Turning EVs into power sources

Case Studies Innovation

Our development of a Vehicle to Home (V2H) solution for New Zealand continues at pace, mostly thanks to an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) grant to explore the customer and network benefits of V2H technology.

We currently have customers in Piha trialling V2H systems which can effectively turn EVs into mobile batteries. The trial will help determine how this technology would help ease expensive peak demand on our network as well as providing a backup supply for customers during short-term outages.

This research is important because, as EV uptake grows, so will the demand for electricity, especially when people want to recharge their EVs at peak times. While we can always keep building more network infrastructure to meet demand peaks, this comes at a very high cost for consumers. Investigating the potential of new technology like V2H allows us to consider alternatives which are more fit-for-purpose and affordable.

Read more about the V2H trial taking place in Piha