Results of 2016 Annual Meeting

Market Releases

At the Annual Meeting of Vector Limited held in Auckland on Thursday 29 September 2016, shareholders approved the following resolutions set out in the Notice of Meeting dated 30 August 2016.

Director Elections
Bob Thomson was re-elected a director.
Karen Sherry was re-elected a director.

Auditor re-appointment
The meeting recorded the automatic reappointment of KPMG as the Company’s auditor, and authorised the directors to fix the auditors remuneration for the ensuing year.

Consequential change to constitution
The meeting altered Vector Limited’s constitution, in the form and manner described in the explanatory notes to the notice of annual meeting.

Voting Details
Re-elect Bob Thomson as a director:
For: 811,971,193
Against: 175,900
Total votes received: 812,147,093
Re-elect Karen Sherry as a director:
For: 810,595,822
Against: 1,553,474
Total votes received: 812,149,296
Record the automatic reappointment of KPMG as the Company’s auditor, and authorised the Directors to fix the auditors remuneration for the ensuing year:
For: 811,960,670
Against: 151,862
Total votes received: 812,112,532
Alter Vector Limited’s constitution, in the form and manner described in the explanatory notes to the notice of annual meeting:
For: 811,920,568
Against: 79,761
Total votes received: 812,000,329
